In As Little As 3-6 Weeks, You Can Obtain Your Security Guard License And Be On Your Way To A Career With Many Possibilities. The New York State Division Of Criminal Justice Services Administers All Training Course And Licensing Requirements. Here’s What You Need To Know To Get Started.
It all starts with taking the 8 Hour Pre-Assignment training course at a training center whose instructors have been licensed by the New York State Criminal Justice Service (NYSCJS). A list of approved New York State training centers can be found here. When searching for schools on Google or other search engines, be sure to check NYSCJS’s list of schools whose licenses have been revoked or suspended because of violations. One red flag: avoid schools that offer the training in less than 8 hours. They likely lack proper licensing. It’s also a good idea to check with online review sites and the Better Business Bureau to gauge past complaints.
Following successful course completion, you will be issued a certificate–a requirement for the security guard license application process. Within 90 days, you will be required to take the 16-hour on the job training course relevant to your work setting to complete the classroom requirements.
Application Process for Obtaining Your Security Guard License
You’ve got your certificate. Now it’s time to get that license! Many
training centers offer services for processing the necessary forms
and submitting them to the New York State Division of Licensing
Services. If you choose to pay for this service, it’s important to
have the following with when you complete the course, so you can
apply right away:
✓ NYS Drivers License (if you do not drive, you’ll need a non-driver DMV id)
✓ Social Security card
✓ Copies of court dispositions (only if record of misdemeanors or felonies)
Application Process: Electronic Fingerprinting
The NYS DOS requires electronic fingerprinting to be performed as part of the license application process. MorphoTrust USA, through its Identogocenters, is contracted by NY state to perform this work. The fee for this service is $99 and
must be paid via money order made out to MorphoTrust USA or credit card. For Star Security
Training students, an Identogo office is conveniently located a short walk from the training center.
You’re all Set: Final Submission
Here’s your checklist:
✓ Filled out NYS Division of Licensing Services Form
✓ 8 Hour Pre-Assignment certificate
✓ ID
✓ Fingerprints
✓ Money order for $36 license fee made payable to NYS Department of State
Good luck!
If you already have your license, check out our infographic on NY State forms relating to maintaining your security guard license (replacing lost license, name or address changes).